The Collective

Guiding You On the Path of Self-Healing

Therapy provides a safe place of connection, education and encouragement that allows for an organic process of growth and healing. The Collective focuses on nervous system healing and uses an eclectic approach that includes protocols from Somatic Experiencing(SE™) EMDR, IFS, Deep Imagery, Energy Work, Inner Child, Jungian and Polyvagal therapies.


  • Nervous System States

  • Window of Tolerance

  • Trauma and Nervous System

  • Roots, Barriers, Protectors

Orientation and Exploration

  • Explore Safety and Resourcing

  • Orient to the current state of the nervous system

  • Expansion of Resourcing and Safety

  • Titration between nervous system states

  • Develop personal practices that support resourcing (ventral vagal access). This is a very personal process and you will feel into your own nervous system (innate knowing) to understand that supports you.

  • Deepen understanding of barriers/protectors and the stories of the nervous system.

Integration and Regulation

  • Expand Window of Tolerance through resourcing/grounding.

  • Practice tethering and allow nervous system to complete cycles of arousal.

  • Integrate education and inner healing into daily life.

Therapy is an invitation to return home.

The human experience is full of ebbs and flows and we were not meant to do this alone. As we connect and collaborate, we will create a collective current-a stronger current. We begin to create a current of empowerment, authenticity and purpose.

We are broken to rebuild. Therapy is an invitation for recovery. We are all recovering from different parts of our lives. It's a space to come back "home." It slows things down and we have the opportunity to become curious about what barriers exist. 

Through the use of various psychotherapy methods and collaborative treatment approaches, you have the opportunity to shed past conditioning and reconnect with you!